CBD For Social Distancing

Is anybody else finding themselves just wanting to sleep all day and ever climb out of bed? It’s no secret that a lot of us are experiencing increased levels of stress while social distancing. Whether you’re homeschooling kids for the first time, dealing with a change in income, or spending more time at home with your spouse, life has taken a crazy turn for everyone in the last few weeks! For me, that stress leads to not sleeping well through the night, and then wanting to nap the entire next day.

So, why am I telling you about my napping problems? Well, these last 2 weeks I’ve found that CBD is a major game changer for me, when it comes to my quality of sleep.

You’ve likely have heard of a little thing called serotonin, but if you haven’t, here are the super basics – Serotonin is a chemical that the body creates, and it has a wide variety of functions. Healthy serotonin levels are believed to help regulate mood, behavior, appetite, digestion, SLEEP, memory, and several other factors. While CBD hasn’t been proven to increase serotonin levels, studies suggest that CBD has a positive affect on how your brain’s receptors respond to the serotonin that is already in your body. Some people definitely have low levels of serotonin, but studies show that MOST of us have plenty of it in our system already, but our bodies might not be responding to it properly without a little help. Thankfully, CBD is proving more and more successful in helping with that! Cool, cool, cool, RIGHT?

Let’s put the serotonin we’ve got to good use while we social distance for the next few weeks or months!

Our hemp extract is formulated with 1,000mg of CBD per 1oz tincture. You can shop all our products here!

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